Calculating your Life Path Number:
To calculate your Life Path Number, write down your birthdate and total up the digits of each number (month, day and year)
in your Birthdate separately, do not reduce 11's or 22's. Continue to add the digits of these three numbers together until
you have one number between 1 and 55.
Life Path Number Example:
If you were born on November 14th, 1965, then you would add:
Month = 11 (do NOT reduce),
Day = 1 + 4 = 5,
Year = 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 21 = 3,
so this equals 11 + 5 + 3 = 19/10/1 (19 is the Life Path, 10 is the 1 + 9 reduced and 1 is the 1 + 0 reduced).
In this example the Life Path Number is 19 (the 10/1 after the slash indicate that the 19 can be reduced to 1+9=10 which
can also be reduced to 1+0=1).
Number's Are Everywhere, Date, Month, Year, And Your Lucky Numbers Passing By You Without You Notice, So Come On Find
Out Is Today Is Your Lucky Day?
Also Find Out What Is Lucky Number The Person You Love If Your Lucky Number Is 5 You Have Good Relation With Number 4
or Number 6 Becouse That Next To Eachother
A=1 --R=9 --I=9 --F=6
Now Add All Numbers 1+9+9+6 =25
2+5 = 7 , So 7 Is My Lucky Number
See Chart To Find Out Your Own Lucky Number
Now The Arabic Numrology,
Many Muslim Believe In Numbers Like 786,Number Like
Start Name Of God , I will Give You A chart That You Can Find Out Your Name Number Just Like You Believe In 786 Or 110 Your
Name Number Is Your Lucky Number ,
Like Your Name Is Rahim Rey =200+ Hey =5 Ye =10 Meem =40 Is Equal To 200+5+10+40 = 255 Now 225 Like 2+5+5 =12 Now 1+2 =3 Like Your Four Digit Lucky Number Is *2553 Your Three Digit Lucky Number Is *255 Your Two Digit Lucky Number Is *12 And Finally Your Single Digit Lucky Number Is *3 Now Check It Out In Your Life The Month, Date, Year, Or Your Lucky Days And Good Luck