Pak-P.M |
Pakistan is situated in the western part of the Indian subcontinent, with Afghanistan and Iran on the west, India on the east,
and the Arabian Sea on the south. The name Pakistan is derived from the Urdu words Pak (meaning pure) and stan (meaning country).
It is nearly twice the size of California.
The majority of Pakistan's population lives in the Indus River valley and in an arc formed by the cities of Faisalabad,
Lahore, Rawalpindi/Islamabad, and Peshawar. Although Urdu is an official language of Pakistan, it is spoken as a first language
by only 8% of the population; 48% speak Punjabi, 12% Sindhi, 10% Saraiki, 8% Pushtu, 3% Baloch, and 3% other. Urdu, Punjabi,
Pushtu, and Baloch are Indo-European languages. English is the other official language, and is widely used in government,
commerce, the officer ranks of the military, and in many institutions of higher learning.
Current government officials
Land area: 300,664 sq mi (778,720 sq km); total area: 310,401 sq mi (803,940 sq km)1
Population (2007 est.): 169,270,617 (growth rate: 2.0%); birth rate: 29.1/1000; infant mortality rate: 68.5/1000; life
expectancy: 63.8; density per sq mi: 563
Capital (2003 est.): Islamabad, 601,600
Largest cities: Karachi, 11,819,000 (metro area), 9,339,023 (city proper); Lahore, 5,756,100; Faisalabad (Lyallpur), 2,247,700;
Rawalpindi, 1,598,600; Gujranwala, 1,384,100
Monetary unit: Pakistan rupee
Principal languages: Urdu 8%, English (both official); Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Siraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashtu
8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, Burushaski, and others 8%
Ethnicity/race: Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun (Pathan), Baloch, Muhajir (immigrants from India and their descendants)
Religions: Islam 97% (Sunni 77%, Shiite 20%); Christian, Hindu, and other 3%
Literacy rate: 46% (2003 est.)
Currency of Pakistan "Rupees" |
Ismaili Jamat Khana |
Rainbow Shoping Center |
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